Author: chemistrypubsiu

SEM or Scanning Electron Microscope uses electrons instead of light to generate high-definition magnified two-dimensional images of the sample. The SEM was first invented by a German researcher and applied physicist and inventor Manfred von Ardenne in 1937. The development of SEM was started in the early 1950s, scanning electron microscopes have developed very much to study in the medical and physical science communities. The beam of electrons is applied on a selected portion of the surface of the solid sample. Then the interaction occurs between the electrons of the beam and the sample to produce the various output signals.…

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An evaporator is one type of cooling or refrigerant system. Heat can be absorbed by this system from the space or surrounding medium to be cooled or refrigerated is done by this equipment. This important instrument has different shapes, types, and designs to perform various nature of cooling requirements. There exist various types of this equipment namely prime surface types, finned tube or extended surface types, shell, and tube liquid chillers, etc. This instrument needs to concentrate aqueous liquids as well as concentrate thermostable liquors. [1] Types of Evaporator: There are mainly three types of this equipment are found which…

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Centrifugal pump is an important familiar pump that is used for transferring fluids from one place to another. A rotating impeller is used to move the fluids by applying centrifugal force. This type of pump gets popular to move fluids from one location to another in various industrial applications such as chemical industries, petroleum industries, mining industries, power generation plants, agricultural and other purposes. Centrifugal pump operates the fluids with large quantities at very high flow rates. Besides, it can control the flow rates over a wide range for different purposes. Centrifugal pumps are used for transferring fluids with relatively…

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The heat exchanger is one kind of process instrument that transfers heat between fluids without mixing or blending them. The sample fluids are generally separated by a wall that has high thermal conductivity. The thickness of this equipment wall is made in such a way that it prevents the mixing of the fluids or the possibility of direct contact between them. The process area of the heat exchanger rejects or absorbs heat from the liquid being processed. Then the cooling or heating fluid stream is produced by this process. This process involves the use of convection in fluids and thermal…

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A turbine is a rotating mechanical device that extracts the kinetic energy from a fluid like water, air, steam, or combustion gases &converts it into mechanical work. The construction of a steam turbine is very simple in which consisting of a rotor and a set of rotating blades. The rotating blades of this equipment are attached to a shaft and the shaft is placed in the middle of the rotor. An electric generator is connected to the rotor shaft of this equipment. This generator collects the mechanical energy from the shaft and converts it into electrical energy. Parts This equipment…

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A boiler is an enclosed type of vessel combustion chamber in which fluid is heated to produce steam at a desired pressure by the combustion of fuel. The produced steam is very much used in different fields like steam engines, thermal power plants, steam turbines, various heating installation processes, different cotton mills, crude oil refineries, salt factories, sugar refinery factories, etc. There exist various fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are commonly used for producing heat. Parts There have many parts of this equipment which descriptions are given below: Shell: This part is made of steel plates which bent…

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NMR spectroscopy is a type of accomplished instrumental analytical technique which is used to know the structural information about molecules. It is generally based on the magnetic resonance phenomenon which was first introduced by Isidor I. Rabi in 1938. Firstly, it was measured successfully in 1940 by two research groups, Felix Bloch and Edward M. Purcell. They were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952 for their historical contributions to the field of magnetic resonance. Since those early days, NMR spectroscopy has the greatest contribution in various fields such as mathematics, physics, and informatics. Now it is a…

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The ion exchange process relates to the interaction of various ionic species in aqueous solutions with adsorbent solid materials. This process is easily differentiated by the nature and morphology of the adsorbent material which in most cases is either a versatile and dynamic polymer matrix or an inorganic structure containing exchangeable various functional groups. The ion exchange resins are generally made by cross-linked copolymers of styrene (vinyl benzene), with divinyl benzene. The ion exchange process is a reversible interchange and stoichiometric sorption chemical process in which various unwanted ions in solution are exchanged for other ions with a similar charge…

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Autoclave is also called a steam sterilizer which is used to sterilize the sample by killing bacteria, viruses, and even spores. The material must be put into this equipment vessel and steam under pressure is used for sterilization. It is considered a modern effective method of sterilization and it is based on moist heat sterilization. Parts of Autoclave This machine is an important pressure cooker type or laboratory bench autoclave that has the following parts: a. Pressure Chamber It is the main part of this apparatus which consists of an inner chamber and an outer jacket. The inner chamber of…

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An atomic force microscope (AFM) is a versatile high-resolution scanning probe microscope that is used very much for analyzing samples in great detail. The image can be magnified over a hundred million times by this microscope. Angstrom scale is used to scan the samples. It can create 3D structures rather than 2D structures to uncover hidden information. The resolution of this microscope is generally identified at a nanometer level, which is much more effective and accurate than the optical diffraction limit. A probe is used by this microscope to measure and collect the data involves touching the surface that has…

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