Author: chemistrypubsiu

Chemical indicators are mostly derived from plant pigments that change color in the solutions in which it is present. It plays a crucial role in the field of chemistry to understand the properties of various types of chemical reactions. Most of the chemical indicators tend to change their own color in chemical reactions while some of them change in turbidity. Most of the indicators are transparent in nature. Chemical indicators create a visible sign (usually, a change in color) during they detect the presence of the threshold concentration of some chemical species like an acid, base, etc. This article shows…

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A buffer solution is a one-type aqueous solution that has the ability to resist the change in its pH value after adding a small amount of strong acid or base. This solution consists of a mixture containing a weak base and the conjugate acid of the weak base (basic buffer) or weak acid and the conjugate base of the weak acid (acidic buffer). We know, the pH value of the acidic solution is below 7 and the pH value of the basic solution is above 7. This solution has an acceptable amount of a weak conjugate acid-base pair. The characterization…

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Matter is any substance that has a specific mass and takes up space. It needs a minimum of one subatomic particle, although most matter consists of atoms. The particles of matter attach to each other in a certain space between them and move continuously. For example, electrons, protons, and neutrons are the most important particles which form atoms. Matter can form different physical states like solid, liquid, gas, and plasma state. The bonding characteristics between atoms reveal the states of matter. The matter can change from one state to another by changing some factors like temperature, pressure, etc. For example,…

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States of matter are concerned about the existence of various forms of substances in our universe. This universe is mainly formed by solid, liquid, and gas, and two other forms namely plasma and Bose-Einstien Condensate. All forms of these matter exist as different forms in the nature around us. Some substances are hard and contain fixed shapes like glass, stone, and wood; some substances are liquid and contain different shapes depending on the shape of their container like water in a jar, while some substances do not have definite shapes of their own such as oxygen. Matter consists of very…

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Dalton’s atomic theory concerns the atoms and their properties given by the British chemist John Dalton in 1808. This theory was the first attempt to describe all the matters about the atoms. This theory depends on the law of conservation of mass as well as the law of constant composition. According to this scientific theory, all matter is formed by small and indivisible particles known as ‘atoms’. The various elements contain atoms having varying sizes and masses. An individual element’s atom contains the same size and mass. Dalton’s atomic theory The general principle of this theory was proposed in 1804…

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Electronic configurations of various atoms relate to how electrons are filled in these atomic orbitals. Electronic configurations of atoms followed various rules to fill up their orbitals in sequences. The subshells are filled up by the electrons one after another if necessary for increasing their atomic numbers. Electronic configurations give a clear idea about the number of electrons in each subshell. Electronic Configurations Definition Electronic configurations mean the particular distribution of electrons in orbital shells one after another by a notation that lists the subshell symbols. The number of electrons in that subshell is put in the right position. The…

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Quantum numbers or electronic quantum numbers represent the electronic trajectory and properties within an atom. Knowing this number is essential to understand the structure of atoms. This set of numbers expresses the location, energy, and direction of an electron within an atom. There exist mainly four types of quantum numbers namely principal, azimuthal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers. The energy level within the atom is described by the principal quantum number (n). The azimuthal or angular momentum quantum number (l) expresses the subshell. The orbital of a subshell is represented by – the magnetic quantum number (m). Spin quantum number…

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Bohrs atomic model relates the fixed atomic size and revolving negatively charged electrons in orbits around the nucleus. This model was given by Niels Bohr in 1913 to provide information on how electrons can revolve in a stable orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Niels Bohr removed the limitations of Rutherford’s atomic model and proposed this model. The postulate of this model has the closest connection with Rutherford’s atomic model. So, this model is also called the Rutherford-Bohr Model. The Bohrs atomic model is completely dependent on quantum mechanics. This model is the most important model to explain the…

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Rutherford Atomic Model or planetary model of the atom relates the atomic structure of elements which was proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1911. This model described that an atom in a molecule has a small, dense, and positively charged core called a nucleus. All the mass of the atom is generally concentrated in the nucleus and the negatively charged electrons move around the nucleus, called electrons. The revolving electrons move around the nucleus at some distance like planets revolving around the Sun. This model was invented by Ernest Rutherford after conducting an experiment to investigate the composition of gold foil…

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Light microscopy is a well-known tool in research field for identification of small specimen by applying visible light through a string of lenses. The tiny objects can be observed through this technique in the fields of biochemistry, material science, microbiology, pharmaceutical sectors. Definition of light microscopy It is a versatile tool to identify, magnify, and observing the small objects by transmitting visible light through a string of lenses. The lenses of this instrument help to focus visible light on the specimen sample for magnifying and producing image of the smaller objects. The sample specimen is generally placed closer to the…

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