Author: chemistrypubsiu

Nanocellulose or nano-structured cellulose is a modern form of cellulose with a dimension in the nanoscale. Nanocellulose contains unique properties if we compared it to cellulose and its microfibers. It has great properties such as renewability, higher surface area, flexibility, good tensile strength, higher surface area, and abundant availability. Nanocellulose exists as cellulose nanocrystals(CNC), cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), and bacterial cellulose (BC). Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) is generally prepared via acid hydrolysis of pure cellulose mostly using inorganic acids like HCl, H2SO4, etc. CNF or Cellulose nanofibrils can be prepared easily by mechanical disintegration process in a high-pressure homogenizer or an ultra-fine…

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Microcrystalline cellulose or MCC is a pure-type crystalline cellulosic polysaccharide molecule bound by β-1,4-glucosidic bonds synthesized from the α-cellulose precursor. MCC is obtained from fibrous plant material, acid hydrolysis of cellulose using 2M hydrochloric acid at 105 °C for 15-20 minutes to reduce the degree of polymerization. It is a white crystalline and free-flowing powdery material. MCC is chemically inert and does not degrade during digestion. This compound has good compressibility properties and is used in solid dose forms. This biocompatible material is used in food products and can be used as an anti-caking agent, stabilizer, texture modifier, or suspending…

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Starch or amylum is a widely distributed natural polysaccharide consisting of a long polymer chain of glucose subunits. These subunits are joined together by a glycosidic bond. This carbohydrate is available in higher-living organisms and is used very much for energy storage. It is a tasteless and fluffy white crystalline powdery material that is insoluble in cold water, alcohol, and other solvents. This polymer undergoes the gelatinization process after heating at a definite temperature. It can be converted into sugar like glucose or fermenting it into ethanol compound. The d-glucose monomer of this molecule is made up of α‑(1→4) linkages…

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Lignin is a complex biopolymer containing a group of aromatic alcohols namely p-coumarylalcohol, coniferyl alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol. This polymeric molecule is made by cross-linking phenolic precursors. The structure of this compound is very complex as monolignols are connected through several linkages in a three-dimensional network. This organic substance is produced by certain plants. The secondary cell walls of plants are constructed by this biomolecule as a binder for cellulosic and hemicellulosic fibers and provide stiffness to the cell walls, especially in wood and bark, because they lend rigidity and do not rot easily. This important compound was invented by…

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Hemicellulose or polyose is a complex polysaccharide present along with cellulose in almost all plant cell walls. It is branched and shorter in length than cellulosic molecules and also shows a propensity to crystallize. This molecule can be hydrolyzed by dilute acid or base as well as various enzymes. It contains anhydrous-β-(1-4)-d-xylopyranose, glucopyranose, mannopyranose, and galactopyranose units. It is an important structural component of plant cell walls, as well as a source of energy for certain animals. Structure of Hemicellulose It is a complex heteropolymeric molecule that contains a variety of sugar molecules, including xylose, arabinose, mannose, galactose, and glucuronic…

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Cellulose is a naturally occurring complex linear biopolymer consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms with a general formula of [C6H10O5]n. The structure of this compound is constructed by hundreds to thousands of d-glucose monosaccharide units, linked together with a β-(1,4) linkage to form a chain. This macromolecule is abundant in nature and is mainly found in plant cell walls, algae, and some bacteria and other microorganisms. It has no taste, no odor, and a chiral compound. It was discovered by Anselme Payen in the year 1838 who was a French Chemist. This complex biopolymer is completely biodegradable in nature.…

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Phenol Hybridization Phenol hybridization relates to the hybridization between carbon and oxygen molecules in the phenol atom. Phenol is generally known as benzenol or carbolic acid whose chemical formula is C6H5OH. It is a colorless aromatic organic compound that contains one hydroxyl group directly attached to the benzene ring. The lone pair electron of the oxygen atom in the phenol molecule creates the resonance that contains an electron in the p orbital and it will be perpendicular to the plane of the benzene ring molecule. It will overlap with the p orbital of SP2 carbon attached to the oxygen atom.…

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Crystallizer is a versatile and modern chemical processing equipment in the industry for separating liquid-solid materials. This equipment is used in chemical process industries (CPI) to produce high-purity products from solutions containing impurities with relatively low energy input. It has the ability to recycle various chemicals like PET material to change state from semi-crystalline to amorphous material. The crystallizer process is generally known as crystallization which can be done as a continuous or a batch process in this equipment. Crystallization helps to generate solid material from the liquid or gaseous phase. The crystal of soluble substance can be achieved from…

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A fume hood is the most essential and efficient controlling system in a chemistry laboratory to protect from any type of airborne contaminants. This tool helps us to free ourselves from harmful vapors, gases, or dusts given off by hazardous material used in the lab. The performance of the lab fume hood depends on a sufficient and uniform velocity of air moving through the sash opening. There are many factors that create a bad effect on performing the activities of chemical hood such as mechanical malfunction, drafts or open doors and windows, and bad operating procedures of the low experienced…

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Bee- Lambert law is one of the most important topics in the field of analytical chemistry which relates the attenuation of light and the properties of the substance during traveling through a medium. The derivation of this law helps to understand the relationship between the intensity of visible UV radiation and the amount of substance present. This law has versatile applications for testing medicines, organic chemistry, and tests with quantification. Beer-Lambert Law Statement Beer-Lambert law is the combination of Beer and Lambert law which are given below: Lambert’s Law The intensity of the transmitted monochromatic radiation is gradually decreased when…

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